The good news – we’ve been laughing hard lately.
The bad news – it hurts Tom quite a bit to laugh.
The worse news – I’m funny.
So Tom cracks all his silly jokes – and of course laughs hardest at his own jokes - and then proceeds to keep laughing because it hurts and for some reason that becomes funny...more on that in a minute. We had lots of laughs this weekend and quite an eventful weekend, but we are certainly still trying to figure out Tom's limits. I’d say Thursday night and Friday was the turning point for Tom. Up until then he really needed quite a bit of help (I’ve essentially been functioning as his upper body strength) and that’s when he really started to have some strength back and was continuing to challenge himself to push it a little more each day. I continued to help quite a bit, but I also let him try to be independent where it made sense.
Friday night, we ventured out for one of the first times really since surgery. As I mentioned in a previous post, Audrey, the VP of Tom’s department retired at the beginning of the year. Friday night was her retirement party and Tom really wanted to attend. We originally thought there would be zero chance that he would be able to be there since it was only 11 days after surgery, but since he had turned the corner a bit and had a bit of energy he decided to give it a try. I told him going in, if he could only handle being there a short time that it was okay, I was more eager for him to get out of the house a bit and socialize with people – especially his coworkers who have been rooting so hard for him through this all.
We surprised everyone (except the host who knew we were coming) and they seemed very excited to see Tom. We were able to catch up with them, hear about all the fun Tom has been missing and of course celebrate with Audrey. Also, I got to meet many of his extended coworkers that have been reading along with the blog and had so many kind words for us both. It was a fun hour and a half, but then Tom gave me the look that it was time to go and it was getting close to when we needed to give him his shot so we made our way out. We were about 20 minutes away from home and mid chat on the way home I realized that Tom had dozed off. Considering the last 11 days of his life, that hour and a half took the wind completely out of him in the best way possible :-) Tom is eager to get back to work and we fill find out more about when that will be this week after we meet with the surgeon and the oncologist.
We had some visitors on Saturday which was fun – in the afternoon his cousin and Aunt and Uncle stopped by for a visit. They were quite surprised how well he was moving which was great to hear. Tom hears me say how amazing he is doing all the time, but I think hearing it from outsiders who haven’t been with him constantly is additional affirmation. Earlier in the day on Saturday my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came down for a visit which was fun, but a little frustrating for Tom. My nephew adores Tom so he immediately reached for Tom when he got here and sadly Tom couldn’t hold him because of his lifting restrictions and the continued pain from his incisions. Dagger in the heart. We figured out other ways like putting him next to Tom on the couch etc., but Tom is eager for his lifting restrictions to be lifted – no pun intended.
Speaking of, I caught him in a lie today! So I dragged all the groceries in today and got everything upstairs. One of these items was a 12 pack of green tea. Tom can’t lift anything over 8 pounds but he came waltzing into the kitchen wanting to help. I told him I had it covered and to not pick up a thing. As I was unpacking the bags I realized the 12 pack of green tea was in the fridge. It went something like this:
Honore: Tom! Stop lifting stuff! Go sit down!!!
Tom: I didn’t lift it!
Honore: Then how did it get in the refrigerator?
Tom: I moved it with my mind.
Honore: No you didn’t.
Tom: It’s under 8 pounds.
Honore: No it’s not.
Tom: Yes it is!
Honore: (Grabs 12 pack out of the refrigerator, walks it into the bathroom and pulls out the scale)
Tom: (Laughing/In Pain) There’s the stubborn irish wife I love!
Honore: (Puts 12 pack on scale) 13 pounds! Now go sit down.
Remember the laughing part at the beginning of this blog? We were laughing quite hard during this entire exchange and so I think he went and sat down mostly because he made himself hurt quite a bit from laughing. Plus if he had telepathic skills and is just telling me about it now I’d be irritated, he could have helped me a ton with those skills over the past five months! ;-)
So all in all – a great weekend – we are starting to get glimpses of a “normal” life again and it is incredibly refreshing. As I mentioned earlier we have doctors’ appointments on Tuesday morning and will hopefully know more about when we can stop shots, when we will get the port out and get ourselves a plan for the coming year to monitor Tom. We are so eager for these last few steps where we can really start to feel like we beat this thing. More to come…
The bad news – it hurts Tom quite a bit to laugh.
The worse news – I’m funny.
So Tom cracks all his silly jokes – and of course laughs hardest at his own jokes - and then proceeds to keep laughing because it hurts and for some reason that becomes funny...more on that in a minute. We had lots of laughs this weekend and quite an eventful weekend, but we are certainly still trying to figure out Tom's limits. I’d say Thursday night and Friday was the turning point for Tom. Up until then he really needed quite a bit of help (I’ve essentially been functioning as his upper body strength) and that’s when he really started to have some strength back and was continuing to challenge himself to push it a little more each day. I continued to help quite a bit, but I also let him try to be independent where it made sense.
Friday night, we ventured out for one of the first times really since surgery. As I mentioned in a previous post, Audrey, the VP of Tom’s department retired at the beginning of the year. Friday night was her retirement party and Tom really wanted to attend. We originally thought there would be zero chance that he would be able to be there since it was only 11 days after surgery, but since he had turned the corner a bit and had a bit of energy he decided to give it a try. I told him going in, if he could only handle being there a short time that it was okay, I was more eager for him to get out of the house a bit and socialize with people – especially his coworkers who have been rooting so hard for him through this all.
We surprised everyone (except the host who knew we were coming) and they seemed very excited to see Tom. We were able to catch up with them, hear about all the fun Tom has been missing and of course celebrate with Audrey. Also, I got to meet many of his extended coworkers that have been reading along with the blog and had so many kind words for us both. It was a fun hour and a half, but then Tom gave me the look that it was time to go and it was getting close to when we needed to give him his shot so we made our way out. We were about 20 minutes away from home and mid chat on the way home I realized that Tom had dozed off. Considering the last 11 days of his life, that hour and a half took the wind completely out of him in the best way possible :-) Tom is eager to get back to work and we fill find out more about when that will be this week after we meet with the surgeon and the oncologist.
We had some visitors on Saturday which was fun – in the afternoon his cousin and Aunt and Uncle stopped by for a visit. They were quite surprised how well he was moving which was great to hear. Tom hears me say how amazing he is doing all the time, but I think hearing it from outsiders who haven’t been with him constantly is additional affirmation. Earlier in the day on Saturday my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came down for a visit which was fun, but a little frustrating for Tom. My nephew adores Tom so he immediately reached for Tom when he got here and sadly Tom couldn’t hold him because of his lifting restrictions and the continued pain from his incisions. Dagger in the heart. We figured out other ways like putting him next to Tom on the couch etc., but Tom is eager for his lifting restrictions to be lifted – no pun intended.
Speaking of, I caught him in a lie today! So I dragged all the groceries in today and got everything upstairs. One of these items was a 12 pack of green tea. Tom can’t lift anything over 8 pounds but he came waltzing into the kitchen wanting to help. I told him I had it covered and to not pick up a thing. As I was unpacking the bags I realized the 12 pack of green tea was in the fridge. It went something like this:
Honore: Tom! Stop lifting stuff! Go sit down!!!
Tom: I didn’t lift it!
Honore: Then how did it get in the refrigerator?
Tom: I moved it with my mind.
Honore: No you didn’t.
Tom: It’s under 8 pounds.
Honore: No it’s not.
Tom: Yes it is!
Honore: (Grabs 12 pack out of the refrigerator, walks it into the bathroom and pulls out the scale)
Tom: (Laughing/In Pain) There’s the stubborn irish wife I love!
Honore: (Puts 12 pack on scale) 13 pounds! Now go sit down.
Remember the laughing part at the beginning of this blog? We were laughing quite hard during this entire exchange and so I think he went and sat down mostly because he made himself hurt quite a bit from laughing. Plus if he had telepathic skills and is just telling me about it now I’d be irritated, he could have helped me a ton with those skills over the past five months! ;-)
So all in all – a great weekend – we are starting to get glimpses of a “normal” life again and it is incredibly refreshing. As I mentioned earlier we have doctors’ appointments on Tuesday morning and will hopefully know more about when we can stop shots, when we will get the port out and get ourselves a plan for the coming year to monitor Tom. We are so eager for these last few steps where we can really start to feel like we beat this thing. More to come…