Well, we are cautiously optimistic again this evening as we have finished day two. Today was certainly a bit tougher as it was a second day of very intense treatment and it continues to wear down his body – however all in all still a good day. 2 down, hopefully only 18 more to go.
Tom received the same chemo cocktail today as he did yesterday which is made up of three different drugs. We decided that if this chemo was an actual cocktail and had a taste it would be either be a gross rail gin or one of those terrible shots with tabasco sauce in it. (Tom then proceeded to have flashbacks to his 21st birthday – oh to be in our early 20’s again…) You’d be amazed what you end up talking about when you’re distracting someone from chemo. (Stay tuned for our rewritten lyrics of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme Song – because our lives really did get flipped turned upside down.)
We were reminiscing this evening how this all started just two weeks ago today. It’s amazing that in fourteen days we were able to figure out that Tom had a rare cancer, meet with a slew of doctors, get a treatment plan, have surgery and already be two days into chemo. I truly believe the speed at which we did this (and needed to do this), is part of the reason we are going to beat this thing. In the past two weeks amongst all the chaos, we have learned to celebrate the little victories, be grateful for all that we do have, and are trying to do things that make us feel “normal”. For example, our evening stroll around the hospital – it’s like our evening walks in our neighborhood except with much cleaner sidewalks and less questionable yard decorations.
Here’s hoping day three of chemo is another decent day and starts October off on a great note!
Tom received the same chemo cocktail today as he did yesterday which is made up of three different drugs. We decided that if this chemo was an actual cocktail and had a taste it would be either be a gross rail gin or one of those terrible shots with tabasco sauce in it. (Tom then proceeded to have flashbacks to his 21st birthday – oh to be in our early 20’s again…) You’d be amazed what you end up talking about when you’re distracting someone from chemo. (Stay tuned for our rewritten lyrics of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme Song – because our lives really did get flipped turned upside down.)
We were reminiscing this evening how this all started just two weeks ago today. It’s amazing that in fourteen days we were able to figure out that Tom had a rare cancer, meet with a slew of doctors, get a treatment plan, have surgery and already be two days into chemo. I truly believe the speed at which we did this (and needed to do this), is part of the reason we are going to beat this thing. In the past two weeks amongst all the chaos, we have learned to celebrate the little victories, be grateful for all that we do have, and are trying to do things that make us feel “normal”. For example, our evening stroll around the hospital – it’s like our evening walks in our neighborhood except with much cleaner sidewalks and less questionable yard decorations.
Here’s hoping day three of chemo is another decent day and starts October off on a great note!